Wednesday 31 October 2007

Suzuki Pixy

The car of the future, the Suzuki Pixy.

Different Versions Of The Mona Lisa

Different versions of the Mona Lisa.
With Marilyn Manson, Barbie, Paris Hilton, and yes, even Osama Bin Laden.

(via constant ravings)

Creative Designer Packing Tape

Ordinary packing tape takes on a whole new dimension when printed with pretty or clever designs. Here's an international collection of 21 designer packing tapes that were too cool not to share.

Halloween Tips

Although children look forward to tricks, treats, and ghoulish garb, Halloween can be fraught with fright for parents, with candy given to their kids by strangers and a legion of masked and costumed trick-or-treaters at the door.

However, following a few safety tips can ensure safe fun for kids and candy-givers alike. Safety tips and good advice for Halloween from the US National Crime Prevention Council.

Sign In A Zoo

The Inner Life Of The Cell

The Inner Life of the Cell is an animation by Alain Viel and Robert Lue of Harvard University. It vividly illustrates the mechanisms that allow a white blood cell to sense its surroundings and respond to an external stimulus. This animation explores the different cellular environments in which these communications take place.

(via Dark Roasted Blend)

13 Beautiful Gardens From Around The World

They may not be the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, but they sure are an amazing sight.

13 Beautiful Gardens from Around the World.

(via corsinet)

If We Had No Moon

The Earth has a large moon, making it unique in the inner solar system. The father of the SMART-1 lunar mission, Bernard Foing of the European Space Agency, looks at the effect the Moon has had on the Earth, and explores how different our world would be if we had no planetary companion.

So, would life have evolved differently, or even appeared on
Earth without the Moon?

Tuesday 30 October 2007

Complete Cat Toilet Training Kit

Everything you need to toilet train your cat in one kit. The kit includes: CitiKitty Training Seat, Quick Start Training Guide, and CitiKitty Expert Training Tips and Tricks.

The specially designed training seat securely fits on your toilet. Your cat naturally uses CitiKitty as its new litter box.

Each of the four perforated rings are removed from the training seat thus reducing the amount of litter. Once all rings are removed your cat is toilet trained! CitiKitty works with cats of all age, size and breed and multiple cats can be toilet trained at the same time.

No Cussing Club

I won't cuss, swear, use bad language, or tell dirty jokes. Clean language is the sign of intelligence and always demands respect. I will use my language to uplift, encourage and motivate. I will Leave People Better Than I Found Them!

14 Year old McKay Hatch started the No Cussing Club at his junior high school in South Pasadena, California in 2007. A lot of kids at his school would cuss and use dirty language all the time.

It bothered him so much that one day he challenged them to stop. But some of the kids said they didn't know how to stop. That's when he started the No Cussing Club.

(via Metafilter)

The Most Curious Canned Goods Found Online

A Wired article:

In celebration of strange sustenance chowed 'round the world, we've put together a list of freaky foodstuffs for the audacious, fearless gluttons for gourmet punishment.

Of course, what we may find weird or curious can be ansolutely normal to people who grew up with these kind of foods.


WikiMapia is a Web 2.0 project to describe the whole planet Earth. It was created by Alexandre Koriakine and Evgeniy Saveliev, inspired by Google maps and Wikipedia.

To avoid 'online vandalism' you have to register to add places. The further you zoom in on the map, the more details will be revealed.

9 Awesome Last Minute Halloween Costumes You Can Make From Junk

From Inventor Spot:

In celebration of Halloween I have found some innovative last minute fashionable Halloween costumes for those of you still in need of a costume.

The best part about it is that you can make these yourself with regular household items.


How to Cope With Having No Friends

A Tribute to Optimus Prime

7 Island Wonders of the World

Gallery of Jacks

Beef Made Easy

A Minor History Of Giant Spheres

A Minor History of Giant Spheres.

The Art Of Sharpening Pencils

Welcome to the world of pencil sharpening. This may sound like a dull topic but there is actually a lot more to it than you think. There are a number of different sharpening styles and methods; all good artists should know them. The trick is using the right one at the right time.

There are four main points to select from; the one you choose will depend on the type of pencil you use, and the style of your drawing. These are: the standard point, the chisel point, the needle point, and the bullet point.

(via Everlasting Blort)

Monday 29 October 2007

Need To Go

Suppose you're in need for a toilet break while reading this site. Well, here's a solution. I'm sure you will be delighted at this convenience.

Get your own toilet.

Identical Twins Reunited After 35 Years

Paula Bernstein and Elyse Schein lived very similar lives. They were both born in New York, edited their high school newspapers and studied film at university. And both were adopted in 1968.

It was only at the age of 35 that they discovered each other and just how similar they were: identical twins who had been separated as infants in a bizarre social experiment.


Someone should work on their math before they work on their grammar.

(via oomsa)

Halloween Masks

Why dress as a ghost or a vampire this Halloween when you can disguise yourself as someone genuinely scary. Like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or bald-headed problem parent Britney Spears.

Forbes' annual collection of Halloween masks highlights some of 2007's most frightening people.

Animals As Everyday Objects

A Worth1000 Photoshop contest.
People for the Opressive Treatment of Animals:
Animals as Everyday Objects.

Franz Xaver Messerschmidt

Franz Xaver Messerschmidt (1736 - 1783) was a German sculptor most famous for his 'character heads,' a collection of busts of faces contorted in extreme facial expressions.

In 1770 Messerschmidt began to work on his so-called character heads, obviously connected with certain paranoid ideas and hallucinations from which, at the beginning of the seventies, the master began to suffer.

(via Athanasius Kircher Society)

Home Schooled

Home Schooled is a comics series by American artist Ash Jackson.
Co-writing by Silas Jackson.
The Presurfer will feature a Home Schooled cartoon every Monday. This is an absolute exclusive cooperation between The Presurfer and Ash Jackson.

Home Schooled is more or less a reflection of the wacky and occasionally interesting adventures of the artist, Ash Jackson, himself, with the aid of his friends, family, and other cohorts.

Title: In a World We Must Defend.

click on the picture for real size

Sunday 28 October 2007

Squid With Human-Like Teeth

Promachoteuthis sulcus is some sort of squid that can be found at great depths in the south Atlantic Ocean.

(via Boing Boing)

Amamanta Anatomically Correct Dolls

Amamanta dolls include anatomical details such as genitals and breasts. Parents will find the dolls true-to-life and children will gain a better understanding of the human body and the anatomical differences between gender.

Amamanta family cloth dolls are soft and cuddly and come in a variety of ethnic groups. You can order a family set consisting of a mother, father, son, daughter and newborn baby doll. The mother birthing doll includes a small opening in the belly which holds the baby. The newborn baby doll can be gently pulled from the belly to explain birth to children.

(via Everlasting Blort)

What Kind Of Blogger Are You?

Answer seven simple questions from Professor Blogstein and he will reveal to you your secret Blogging Persona. My results:

You're not in this for the money, for you bloggin is all about the passion! Sure you might make a little pocket change now and again, but you know that it's the content, the audience and the people that are what makes blogging great!

You've been blogging since Nick Denton was in diapers. When it comes to blogging experience, you are the authority on blogging. Heck you probably even have a blog where you give advice about blogging!

Social media, other bloggers, networks and all that jazz don't really interest you. You have enough friends in the real world, you don't need more. You blog because you want to express yourself not to meet bloggers!

(via Bits & Pieces)

Mail Experiment

What happens when you mail a letter to someone, but instead of putting a 39 cent stamp from the post office, you just tape on some loose change adding up to 39 cents?

Obiwan's UFO-Free Paranormal Page

Obiwan's UFO-Free Paranormal Page houses the oldest True Ghost Story Archive on the net, with over 1,000 stories, some dating back to 1993.

Also available: a thorough Ghosts and Hauntings FAQ, hundreds of paranormal links, information on hauntings and publically accessible haunted places, a busy UFO-Free Message Board, one of the biggest Ghostlight Pages on the web, and more.

The Evolution Of Psychepolymereganics

The Evolution of Psychepolymereganics is a polymer clay art exhibition by Meredith Dittmar from Portland, OR, USA.

Saturday 27 October 2007

Haunted Swing

An out-of-control playground swing has spooked families and police in Argentina. The swing rocks back and forwards without being touched - and anxious parents have decided the playground must be haunted. In an attempt to explain the swing's mysterious movement, police called in physics professors. But even they have been unable to explain the why the swing keeps moving.

Residents claim the middle swing in a playground in the north-eastern town of Firmat can keep moving continuously for ten days before suddenly coming to a halt. You have to watch 1 minute into the video to see the swing start moving.

I think it's the wind!

List Of People Who Have Disappeared

A compilation of people who have mysteriously disappeared, whose death is not substantiated, whose remains have not been recovered, whose current whereabouts are unknown, and who may be presumed deceased.

Steve Irwin Talking Action Figure

Fully articulated and posable action figure features the actual voice of Steve Irwin. Plays in two modes.

Mode 1 features 8 different famous Steve Irwin phrases. Mode 2 plays out a crocodile rescue adventure with choices made by pushing left or right buttons on Steve's chest.

(via YesButNoButYes)


Five Easy Ways to Go Organic

10 Geeky Wedding Photos

10 Smartest Ways to Live Beneath Your Means

17 Ways to Find Your Passion For Any and Everything

The Superest

The Superest is a continually running game. The rules are simple: Player 1 draws a character with a power. Player 2 then draws a character whose power cancels the power of that previous character. Repeat.

The World's Creepiest Places

There are a lot of creepy places around the world, from from a dive site among WWII wrecks in Micronesia to a tour through the eerie, abandoned town near Chernobyl in the Ukraine. From the Paris Catacombs to Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean.

So in the spirit of the season, here are 13 of the world's weirdest destinations. Sensitive souls should read on with caution.

Friday 26 October 2007

Be A Music Faun Yourself

A newfangled extravagance is spreading amongst the music-lover youngsters of New York, which, after invading America, is sure to conquer the whole world. Ears becoming pointed as a result of plastic surgery not only enhance the attractiveness of the face, but also improve the experience of listening to music.

The creator of this operation is a Hungarian plastic surgeon, Dr. Lajos Nagy, who is currently practicing in New York, and who is soon going to introduce his new method the first time in Europe, in Hungary. Make your hearing perfect! Accentuate your personality!

Sleeping Chinese

At every corner in China you can discover people that are napping in the strangest positions and situations, or are even snoring, while sunk in a deep sleep.

German photographer Bernd Hagemann takes pictures of these sleeping people and publishes them on his web site.

The Floating Dutchman

Dutch magician Ramana has been doing his best to freak out American people by levitating in front of the White House. The illusionist, my fellow-countryman Wouter Bijdendijk, hovered several feet above the pavement with apparent ease. His only 'prop' was a stick that he held with his left hand.

Ramana trained in India at the Academy of Magical Sciences and is known for feats that seem to defy the laws of gravity.

Blindness In India

India has the highest population of blind people in the world. Approximately one out of every four individuals who are blind live in India.

The figure of those afflicted approaches ten million. About 6.5 million suffer from cataracts, with one million new cases each year.

(via Grow-A-Brain)

Internet World Stats

The Internet World Stats web site provides you with statistical Internet usage data and population figures for over 265 countries and regions of the world, consolidated from various periodic surveys, presented in a unique and practical way.

The Internet World Stats web site is divided into several sections, each one providing specific market research information, like Internet usage, population statistics, Internet market research data, broadband penetration, and global trade information.


Streetplay's mission is to document the great city games that we know and love. In March of 1999, Streetplay founder Mick Greene and his buddy Marc Pesner were reminiscing about the fun they had as kids playing in the streets of Queens and Brooklyn.

As many urban boomers, they lamented the general state of play today becoming increasingly more organized and less organic. Mick didn't let the topic sit, though, he decided to create this website, Streetplay, originally calling it 'The Games We Used To Play.'

Jesus Chair

The Jesus Chair looks comfortable.

(via Everlasting Blort)

Ten Of The Strangest Things Caught While Fishing

Ten Of The Strangest Things Caught While Fishing.

(via Neatorama)

Thursday 25 October 2007

Zombies In Plain English

Are you worried about your brain this Halloween? It's zombie season and here's a video to help you get through it, brain intact.

New Nazca Lines Discovered

The Nazca Lines are a series of geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert, a high arid plateau between the towns of Nazca and Palpa on the Pampas de Jumana in Peru. They were created by the Nazca culture between 200 BC and 700 AD.

The Nazca lines cannot be recognized as coherent figures except from the air. Since it is presumed the Nazca people could never have seen their work from this vantage point, there has been much speculation on the builders' abilities and motivations.

Now, for the firs time since almost 30 years, a new giant picture has been discovered by a team of Japanese researchers.

Animal Kisses

Animal Kisses.

(via Look At This...)

Cat Man Do

Cat Man Do by English animator Simon Tofield of Tandem Films.

(via Ursi's Blog)

Small Fish Takes Big Bite

While fishing in about 1,400 feet of water off the South Coast of Grand Cayman, local fisherman McPherson Wright's attention was drawn to an object that was floating on the surface nearby. He motored over to investigate and picked up a dead fish that simply amazed him.

Mr. Wright said that normally one expects 'big fish to eat down the small fish,' but the hungry little fish he picked up broke that rule in a big way.

San Diego County Fires On Google Maps

Major wildfires are burning throughout San Diego County. This map is updated as information comes in. Burn and evacuation areas are estimated.

Filling Up

A guy pulls up to a gas pump to fill up a gas can and leaves his car in neutral. While his back is turned the car rolls away into a small creek and its almost as if he doesnt even realize his car is gone.

(via Bits & Pieces)

Ozone Hole Watch

On the Ozone Hole Watch web site you can check on the latest status of the ozone layer over the South Pole. Satellite instruments monitor the ozone layer, and that data is used to create the images that depict the amount of ozone.

The blue and purple colors are where there is the least ozone, and the greens, yellows, and reds are where there is more ozone.

(via BlogMonkey)

Wednesday 24 October 2007

How To Move A 900-Ton Brick Building

Peter Green House, at Brown University, USA, was moved last summer in one piece and landed in its new home, approximately 450 feet further.

(via Fogonazos)

Attractive People? Not In Philadelphia!

Philadelphia is home to the least attractive people in the United States, according to the 'America's Favorite Cities' survey by Travel & Leisure magazine and CNN Headline News.

Some excerpts from the survey:

Most attractive: Miami. Least attractive: Philadelphia
Most fun: New orleans. Least fun: Washington
Most intelligent: Seattle. Least intelligent: Los Angeles
Most friendly: Charleston. Least friendly: Los Angeles
Most stylish: New York. Least stylish: San Antonio
Most worldly: Washington. Least worldly: Dallas/Fort Worth
Most athletic/active: Denver. Least athletic/active: New Orleans

America's Favorite Cities Survey.

Stuff You Didn't Know

It may be a little presumptuous to think that you don't know anything of this 'stuff' but I'm sure there's something here that you really didn't know. Some examples:

Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy. Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. Los Angeles' full name is 'El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula.'

More stuff you didn't know.

The Uprising Of Sausages And Hotdogs

The Uprising af Sausages and Hotdogs.

How To Properly Hug A Baby

Flatten the baby before actually beginning the hugging process.


World's Most Bizarre Political Candidates

Embroidered Slippers

Blog Bumper Stickers

Eight Keys to a Happier Marriage

56 American Scream Machines

50 Fun Facts About Credit Cards

Michelle Cakes

Michelle Wibowo from Burgess Hill in England is specialized in designing birthday, wedding and novelty cakes. Each cake is individually designed and they are made-to-order.

Chris Gilmour: Cardboard Sculptor

The work of British artist Chris Gilmour provokes surprise and amazement beyond what could appear to be a mere process of reproduction.

Packaging cardboard is, by its very nature, intended to contain but it is then discarded. Gilmour, however, uses it to contain the work's own identity and to highlight the displacement between the original object and the one made in cardboard.

(via ReubenMiller)

Tuesday 23 October 2007

26 Amazing Castles From Around The World

26 Amazing castles from around the world.

The Death Report

While you were entering this world, find out who was departing. Type in your birthday and get some morbid stuff.

According to The Death Report, some people who died on my birthday were Dorothy McGuire, Tupac Shakur, Philip II, King of Spain, Dante Alighieri, and Roman emperor Titus.

(via J-Walk Blog)

Guns For Girls And Glamorous Weaponry

Has your daughter succumbed to societal brainwashing? Does she refuse toy soldiers for Barbie and pass up BB guns for My Little Pony or Hello Kitty items? Have you despaired of interesting her in the practical aspects of life, such as weaponry and self-defense? If so, this site is for YOU!

At, we've combined the girliness of glamor with the practicality of military expertise and have created a collection that will make your child shriek with joy! From the My Little M4 Carbine to the Hello Kitty "HK-AK-47", you'll find something for the little girl in everyone! From the rocket launcher inspired by Mother Theresa to the Martha Stewart colors Claymore mines, the Glambo Signature Collection has something for you as well.

Cage Diving With Great White Sharks

Spectacular video of cage diving with Great White Sharks in Guadalupe. Original footage shot by Rob Breskal, video compiled and edited by Alex Finn.

Cool Road-Rail Vehicles

Often referred to as 'Hy-Rail,' or 'Hi-Rail,' these dual purpose vehicles (able to travel on rails, as well as highways) can be fascinating to both train geeks and car collectors. The liberating idea of putting your car to rails, when the road ends or ceases to be an option, is good news to any off-road enthusiast.

What's more, the cool looks of some extremely rare vintage conversions may stir some childhood memories and maybe prompt you to spot the surviving ones and restore them.

The Knufe

Greater comfort in the kitchen with the revolutionary Knufe. The ergonomically designed angled handle and non-slip finger grooves provide a firmer, safer, more natural grip for cutting.

You can exert greater force with precision control and virtually no stress on the wrist because your hand is positioned above the blade rather than behind it.

(via bookofjoe)